Sepak Takraw Decoded: Your Ultimate Guide to the Art of Kick, Spike, and Soar

Your Guide to Sepak Takraw: Everything You Need to Know about ‘Kick Volleyball’

You may have seen videos of people acrobatically bicycle-kicking a small yellow ball over a head-height net… Amazing agility, but what is this game known as Sepak Takraw?

Learn all about the wonderful game of Sepak Takraw with our complete guide!

The History of Sepak Takraw

“Sepak" is Malay for "kick," while  "Takraw," which originated from Thailand, can be translated as “a woven rattan ball.”

It is sometimes known as Kick Volleyball or as it is called in Thailand, ‘Bangkok Kick Volleyball’. 

Sepak Takraw was first played in Malaysia’s oldest city, Malacca. The reference for this was in the well-known Malay text, “The Sejarah Melayu," also known as the "Malay Annals".

Initially, Sepak Takraw was not a competition; but a display of teamwork, unity, and communication. It was a unique form of exercise which helped to improve agility and loosen up after extended periods of sitting or working.

Like many sports, it is a great way to Get moving, feel healthier and feel better. The game's popularity grew quickly and was seen as an excellent addition to Football (soccer) training.

It became competitive during the Silver Jubilee of George V (1935), whilst the celebrations were underway, and games were organised to entertain spectators. 

At the time, Badminton was the preferred sport of the British, and Sepak Raga was Mainly played by the Malays, the rules of both sports were combined and “Sepak Raga Jubilee” was born.

a game of Sepak Tekraw

A spirited game of Sepak Tekraw

Sepak Takraw: The Modern Version

In 1960, Malaysian and Thailand Officials met in Kuala Lumpur to define the modern version of the rules and agree on the official name for this sport, Sepak Takraw. 

In Malaysia, Sepak Takraw is known as their National Sport. It is often compared to one of the most popular sports in the world, Volleyball. 

Locals refer to it as Sepak Raga Jaring; ‘Jaring’ means ‘net’. This was added to the official name of ‘Sepak Raga’ when it was established in 1945. 

There are 3 individuals that became known as the “fathers” of Sepak Takraw:

  • Hamid Maidin (who defined the rules),

  • Mohamed Abdul Rahman (one of the best Sepak Raga players of the time)

  • Syed Yaacob.

Hamid Maidin

Hamid Maidin, one of the fathers of Sepak Tekraw

In Thailand, it is still known by its original name of "Sepak Takraw."

Sepak Takraw: The Rules

The rules of Sepak Takraw are fairly simple and easy to follow:

  • The court and ball must meet the regulatory requirements stipulated by the International Sepak Takraw Federation (ITSAF)

  • The teams are made up of 2,3 or 4 players. 

  • A coin toss takes place prior to the match beginning to decide who serves first.  

  • Teams alternate serving every three points, regardless of who wins the points

  • Players are only permitted to use their chest, knees, hands and feet!  

  • The ball can only be touched by each team member three times before it has to be returned over the net

  • The ball cannot touch the ground at any point

  • A match is won by best of three sets (win 2 out of 3 sets), with each set being played up to 21 points.

  • In the last or third set, a change of sides takes place when one team reaches 11 points

  • The first team to reach 21 points wins a set. The first team to win two sets is declared the winner.

  • Only the Captain of the "Regu" is allowed to approach the Referee during the game.

Team Configurations

Sepak Takraw is very similar to one of the most popular sports in the Philippines, Volleyball.

The similarity lies in that the ball cannot touch the floor, the game is played over a high net and teams are on both opposing sides of the court!

The one main difference that separates the two, is that in Volleyball you use your hands and in Sepak Takraw you have to use your feet! 

The game is played between two teams known as “Regu." There are different classifications of team setups:

  • 1) Regu - Three players on each side

  • 2) Double Regu - Two players on each side

  • 3) Quadrant - Four players per team


Each player has a starting position, One player should be at the back of the court with two players at the front.

  • The player at the back is known as the Tekong or Server

  • The front left player is known as the feeder, setter or tosser 

  • The front-right player is the attacker, striker or killer

How to Play

  • A coin toss decides who starts the game with the first serve. 

  • The winner of the coin toss gets to decide if they want to Serve or Defend.

  • The side which serves first starts the set.

the spike Sepak Tekraw

The most iconic move in Sepak Takraw is the spike.

  • The Server must have one leg inside the service circle, the other players stay in their designated circles. 

  • The Feeder or Striker toss the ball to the Server, who then kicks the ball across the net towards the opponent's side.

  • After the serve, the players can freely move around their half of the court. 

  • The Feeder and the Server move around the court to defend the service of the opponent's side. 

  • The winner of the first set has the option of choosing if they want to serve or not.

  • The game continues until one of the teams makes a fault; once a fault is made, the opponent's team gains a point.

Sepak Takraw Equipment:- The Court, the Net and Ball

The Court:

  • The court should be 13.4m by 6.1m. 

  • It needs to have free space overhead up to 8m.

  • It has a free zone at each corner of the court, which measures 3m by 3m. 

  • The court is divided into two equal parts with a centre line of 0.02m width.

The Net:

  • The net post should be at least 1.45m tall for (female competitions) and approximately 1.55m for male competitions. 

  • The net post should be made of strong material which is to ensure that a high net tension is observed, 

  • The net should not be more than 0.04m in radius.

The Ball:

  • If being used in a competition, Balls must be approved by the ISTAF 

  • They must be one ‘woven’ layer or made of a synthetic fibre

  • Balls (without a synthetic rubber covering) must have 12 holes and 20 intersections

  • Woven balls must have: 

- Men: a circumference measuring from 42 to 44 cm (16.5–17.3 in) with a weight that ranges from 170 to 180 g (6.0–6.3 oz) 

- Women: a circumference measuring from 43 to 45 cm (16.9–17.7 in) with a weight that ranges from 150 to 160 g (5.3–5.6 oz).

  • There are no restrictions around the colour of the ball, the only caveat is that it must not affect the players’ performance.

Sepak Tekraw ball


ISTAF SuperSeries

  • The Super Series was the only other international Sepak Takraw tournament recognized by the ISTAF apart from the ISTAF World Cup and King's Cup.

  • The Competition only held three editions between 2011 - 2015 . The tournament was terminated after this for undisclosed reasons.

ISTAF World Cup

  • In July 2011 the first ISTAF World Cup was held in Malaysia. 

  • The event is held every four years, although the 2021 edition was postponed due to Covid-19.

  • The World Cup is made up of two categories, men's and women's. 

  • Each category has preliminary group stages, moving into knock-outs. 

Kings Cup Sepak Takraw World Championship 

  • Annual event, dedicated to His Majesty the King of Thailand.

  • Considered the most prestigious tournament in Sepak Takraw 

  • Top national teams compete for the win

  • Divided into three categories,/male, female and mixed

Summing up the Spectacular Game that is Sepak Takraw 

Sepak Takraw is an exciting and enjoyable watch for spectators, with the ball travelling at speeds of approximately 80 miles per hour to acrobatic spikes and flips!

Sepak Takraw’s popularity is growing year on year. The game is becoming particularly popular in the USA and Canada.

Since the 1990’s it has been shown on CNN, ESPN, MTV, Sports Illustrated and Good Morning America.

Currently, there are Sepak Takraw teams in Texas, California, Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin.

Although the sport of Sepak Takraw isn’t yet an Olympic game, it’s widely recognised as an official and growing sport all over the world.

Amna Asghar

Amna is a 25 years old freelance writer and an enthusiastic poet. She loves to write about health, fitness, and sports. According to her, knowing fitness is the key to better health. She is confident and keen to learn new things every day.


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