The Best Carbohydrates for Pre-workout Nutrition

5 of the Best types of Carbs to Fuel Your Workout

Everyone knows you have to pound the protein post-workout, to help repair the damage you have done to the muscles, but what about fuel to get those muscles firing when you are at the gym?

Spoons with dried fruit on -  a great source of energy pre-workout

The Role of Carbs Pre-Workout 

We all want to get the best out of our fitness regimes, and why not?

Those trails of sweat and muscle cramps we feel during a workout are all only truly beneficial if one takes out the time to consider what nutrition we are taking in as well.

After all, the foods we consume ultimately help the muscles to grow in shape and size, but the rate of growth and repair is crucial.

When analysing the nutrients to get the most out of a workout, it is necessary to take care of macronutrient intake, especially those that are essential in muscle building and increasing size; carbs, fats and protein.

While most people know about protein’s role in accelerating the muscle growth process, many don’t know the role carbohydrates play in a workout routine.

Carbohydrates help in creating energy, therefore optimising the process of cell growth.

Top 5 Types of Carbs for Pre-Workout

1: Bananas

Banana is a medium Glycemic Index (GI) fruit perfect for boosting energy levels in a modest way for a workout.

What's more, it contains a considerable amount of Potassium that helps make up for electrolyte loss during sweating.

Consuming two large-sized bananas a day is considered safe. You can consume them before your workout session to get the best benefits.

Banana Nutrition Profile

One Large Banana – 136 grams
121 calories   
Total Carbs    
10 percent    
13 percent    
Vitamin B6    
25 percent    
Vitamin C    
19 percent    
Dietary Fiber    
14 percent    

2: Oats

Oats are a great source of fibre and Vitamin B6

These will help provide you with enough nutrition to help support your body's energy levels while you are performing strenuous working out regimes.

If you suffer from anaemia, consuming oats will help you promote healthy blood cells that will, in turn, produce more ATP (essentially energy molecules).

Eating half a cup of cooked oatmeal before your daily workout will be enough to get your energy levels to the optimum.

Oats Nutrition Profile

Oats per 100 grams
68 calories   
Total carbs   
4 percent    
Dietary fiber    
6 percent    
Vitamin B6   
15 percent    
33 percent    
6 percent    

3: Whole Grain Bread

Whole grain bread, with its high nutritional quality, is considered the best substitute for instant cereals and refined bread.

That is because it contains whole wheat germ, which is abundant in Vitamin B types. Moreover, the fibre you get from consuming this bread will slowly break down and release energy.

You can eat up to 5-6 slices of whole-grain bread a day. This means you can easily make a whole-grain bread sandwich and consume it pre-workout.

Whole Grain Bread Nutrition Profile

Whole   grain bread one slice – 28 grams    
69 calories    
Total carbohydrates    
4 percent    
Dietary fiber   
7 percent    
7 percent    
Vitamin B6    
6 percent    
6 percent    

4: Dried Fruit

Do you want something nutrient and energy-dense before workout sessions? Dried fruits like dried apricots, berries, figs, and pineapples are the best sources for such purposes.

You can notably feel the instant energy boost through eating mixed dried fruit.

Eating half a handful of these energy packets is sufficient for going through vigorous physical activities with a minimum chance of energy depletion.

Dried Fruit Nutrition Profile

Dried fruits per 100 grams
359 calories    
Total carbs    
27 percent    
Vitamin C    
93 percent    
Vitamin B6    
15 percent    
16 percent    
3 percent    

5: Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are like the powerhouses of vitamins when it comes to nutritional content.

You will be relieved to know that, unlike other starchy vegetables, these do not shoot up your blood glucose levels strikingly high and therefore prevent you from getting hyperglycemia pre-workout.

It is O.K. to consume half of a medium-sized boiled sweet potato before your training session.

Sweet Potato Nutrition Profile

Sweet potatoes per 100 grams
86 calories   
Total carbs    
6 percent    
Dietary fiber   
12 percent    
Vitamin A    
283 percent    
Vitamin B6    
10 percent    
6 percent    

Pro Workout Tip for Beginners

If you are consuming a large meal before a workout, consider giving at least 90 minutes before your workout to prevent bloating. However, consuming a little snack 30 minutes before a workout is considered to be alright.

The Final Word on Carbohydrates for your workout

This article has hinted at providing you with some info about the importance of carbs for pre-workout sessions and different kinds of carb-rich foods that help you get the most out of a workout without getting short of energy.

For more Nutrition advice and suggestions, check out all of our articles on this topic!

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Amna Asghar

Amna is a 25 years old freelance writer and an enthusiastic poet. She loves to write about health, fitness, and sports. According to her, knowing fitness is the key to better health. She is confident and keen to learn new things every day.


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