Football - Answering the internet's questions

Oli answers the internet’s questions on Football

In today’s Sporting Blog podcast we go back to the internet to answer the most commonly asked questions of the worlds most popular sport, Football.

There are 80 questions in total which are all below… it was a fun exercise but not for the feint hearted.

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can football players be furloughed

can football return

can football clubs furlough players

can football player

can football teams train

can football restart

can football survive

can football index go bust


how football started

how football began

how football index works

how football started netflix

how football was invented

how football has changed

how football explains the world

how football works


what football is on tonight

what football matches are on tv today

what football is on

what football games are on tonight

what football is on tv today

what football player am i

what football team should i support

what football position should i play


why football is better than rugby

why football is good

why football is the best sport

why football is bad

why football is the best sport in the world

why football should be banned

why football is better than basketball

why football is good for you


will football be free to watch

will football return

will football start again

will football be back

will football ever come back

will football clubs go bust

will football restart

will football survive


are football teams training

are football players self employed

are football players still being paid

are football matches going ahead

are football matches being played

are football clubs refunding season tickets

are football games cancelled

are football clubs profitable


when football came home

when football changed forever

when football start

when football came home itv

when football will start

when football becomes wwe

when football back on

when football came home bbc


where football started

where football was invented

where football players live in london

where football originated from

where football is played

where football was first played in india

where football was born

where football came from


which football team is the best

which football player am i

which football games are on tv

which football leagues are cancelled

which football club is the richest in the world

which football team should i support

which football club is nearest the mersey

which football clubs are furloughing staff


who football 2021

who football invented

who football news

who football today

who football player are you

who football friday night

who's football match is today

who football last night

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