Bjorn Borg and Fila - What a match

How Bjorn Borg helped make Fila a global brand

All brands need smart marketing to do well in the cut-throat world of global business.

When it comes to clothing brands, most high-end brands try influencer or celebrity partnerships in order to gain maximum outreach.

When celebs wear their clothing, it gives them optimal brand exposure and brings mass audience eyeballs to the party.

Everyone knows that sportswear is different from regular clothing because it assists you in playing well, and one such sportswear brand was launched in Italy in 1911 by the name Fila.

However, Fila was turned into a global brand with the help of the famous Swedish tennis player Bjorn Borg in the 1970s. Keep reading to learn more about this iconic partnership.

Who are Fila?

Fila is a sportswear brand that produces its own sports clothing, shoes, and accessories.

The company was launched in Italy in 1911, and just like a lot of clothing businesses, it had humble beginnings.

This brand started off by making underwear, but it transitioned into making sportswear in the 1970s.

The brand got higher profile recognition once it entered the business of making sportswear. However, it would not have been possible without the help of the famous Swedish tennis player Bjorn Borg.

Who is Bjorn Borg?

Bjorn Borg is a now-retired Swedish Tennis player who won numerous titles, awards, and accolades. He is considered one of the greatest ever players and won 10 grand slams in his career, including 5 x French Open and 5 x Wimbledon Championships.

Fila signed Bjorn Borg as their brand ambassador in 1975, and the rest is history. The brand's sales sky-rocketed, and everyone wanted clothes and shoes from the famous brand that Bjorn Borg wore.

Bjorn Borg scaled new heights of success and fame as a tennis player during his decade-long partnership with Fila, and the brand also achieved huge success as a result of the partnership.

Bjorn Borg’s Contribution to Making Fila Famous

It is not an understatement to claim that Bjorn Borg put Fila on the map!

Bjorn Borg was the king of tennis in his prime and was also blessed with good looks and a mysterious, ice-cool demeanour. His now iconic appearance, coupled with Fila’s distinctive, subtle designs are one of the standout images of sport in the 70s and 80s, but it wasn’t just the looks.

1. Winning Titles

Bjorn Borg is a tennis legend, and this tennis star was on his journey to global domination when Fila signed him in 1975.

This was the same year that Bjorn Borg had started to gain national and international fame as he retained his French Open Title and defeated the 36-year-old Rod Laver when he was only 19.

The 19-year-old emerging star was attracting the masses with his brilliant tennis skills and charming boyish looks. The brand saw this as the perfect opportunity to strike while the iron was hot, and they got themselves the perfect ambassador.

 2. Conquering Wimbledon

You don't have to be a sports aficionado to know the importance of Wimbledon and the title's grandeur.

Bjorn Borg became a winner of the Wimbledon Championships in 1976 at the tender age of 20, and his success reached new heights. He became a well-recognized and beloved sports star the world over.

However, it wasn't just the athlete who gained fame and recognition. Bjorn Borg wore clothes, shoes, and accessories by Fila throughout the entire tournament and the brand became more popular as well.

The people who idolized Bjorn Borg or wanted to be like him rushed to get their hands on Fila gear. (The Sporting Blog editor’s Father was amongst them!)

3. World Number One Ranking

Athletes are no less than movie stars. In fact, they hold more power and influence than most movie stars.

This is because they have a wider and more devoted fan following. Sports has no language, and it is a source of entertainment that goes across borders. People from all countries, cultures, and languages understand the game and relate to it.

They follow, respect, and idolize famous athletes from all sports as well. Therefore, in the 1970s and 1980s, Bjorn Borg was to tennis what Cristiano Ronaldo is to football today.

Bjorn Borg was the number one world at the tender age of 21, and he became a global sensation who was loved, followed, and respected across the globe.

As such, a huge fan following also attracted people to the brand Fila, and he was certainly the ‘housewives’ favourite as well. He really did help bring tennis into the Mainstream.

5. Comfortable Clothing

Since all athletes need the utmost comfort to perform well, it was also thought that Fila had super comfortable clothes and shoes that allowed Bjorn Borg to do his best.

Furthermore, when you become the best, everything associated with you becomes the best as well. Therefore, when world number one champion Bjorn Borg donned Fila, it was instantly assumed that Fila is the best sportswear brand in the world as well.

If you own one of these you are cool

If you own one of these you are cool

Final World on Bjorg and Fila

Brand marketing and advertising also existed before the time of social media and media influencers.

However, it was primarily done with the help of celebrities such as movie stars and athletes.

When the newfound sports brand Fila signed the Swedish tennis player Bjorn Borg in 1975, he was only 19 and still had a long way to go.

However, this young tennis player becomes the number one tennis player in the world in a matter of two years, and he made Fila the brand that it is today.

Moreover, recently, Fila has signed his son to become an ambassador for their brand and help the brand achieve new heights.

Check out our pieces on Sport x Fashion such as Kappa in Football and Converse in Basketball. Or just take a look at all of our fashion articles here.

Amna Asghar

Amna is a 25 years old freelance writer and an enthusiastic poet. She loves to write about health, fitness, and sports. According to her, knowing fitness is the key to better health. She is confident and keen to learn new things every day.


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